As a leading manufacturer of pouch making machines,
Totani offers a lineup of pouch making machines
capable of producing pouches with various functions
and shapes to meet diversifying market needs.
All domestic and international exhibitions for the fiscal year 2024 have been completed.
We sincerely appreciate that we were able to welcome many visitors this year.
We look forward to seeing you at our booth again next year.
*We will update information on the next year's exhibitions as soon as they are determined.
Sales Achievements & Number of patents held by Totani Corporation.
Announcement of Interview with Chairman and President in Newsweek Magazine/Worldfolio
Our company's Chairman and President were interviewed by Worldfolio on the theme of "Hidden Champions: Invisible but Indispensable to the Global Industry". The interview was published onWorldfolio's global websiteas well as in the international edition of Newsweek, a US political and economic magazine. Please take a look.
Worldfolio global site: Totani: building pouch-making machines for a new green manufacturing era